And here are the Category and Artist's Choice Banner! If you spot any errors - wrong icons, wrong or misspelled name - just let me know and I'll fix it.
Sorry for not posting them the last two days, but my exhaustion turned to fever last night. Not to mention that when I got the coding ready yesterday morning to simply link directly to the banners I had to find out that photobucket turned that off and trying to right click and save would have only allowed you to save an html page (that you would
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Rules: • Vote for 1 icon per poll. • Don't vote for yourself! • Vote on the quality of the icon and not because it's your favourite person, pairing, tv show and so on.
Rules: -Please vote in every category. (1 per category) -Don't vote for yourself or ask others to vote for you. -Vote fairly and without bias. The quality of the icon is what you're voting for. -VOTING CLOSES February 25th